Panama Airports Statistics


Panama Airports Flight Statistics

How many total flights operated through Panama airports in the last 30 days?

In the last 30 days, Panama airports have seen a total of 21,024 flights. This includes 10,512 flight arrivals and 10,512 flight departures.

What is the average number of flights per day across Panama airports in the last month?

On average, Panama airports have managed about 701 flights daily in the past 30 days.

What was the percentage of departures delayed over 15 minutes at Panama airports in the last month?

Over the past month, approximately 17% of departing flights at Panama airports encountered a delay of more than 15 minutes.

What was the average departure delay duration in minutes for flights at Panama airports over the past 30 days?

The average departure delay for flights at Panama airports in the recent 30 days was 20 minutes.

What percentage of flights were cancelled at Panama airports in the last 30 days?

During the last 30 days, around 4.36% of flights were cancelled at Panama airports.

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