Guinea-Bissau Airports Information

Guinea-Bissau is home to 2 airports which are shown on the map and listed, alphabetically, in the table below.

Click on any airport for more information, including flight arrivals & departures:

Guinea-Bissau Airports on the Map:

All Airports in Guinea-Bissau:

Guinea-Bissau Airports Statistics


Guinea-Bissau Airports Flight Statistics

How many total flights operated through Guinea-Bissau airports in the last 30 days?

In the last 30 days, Guinea-Bissau airports have seen a total of 0 flights. This includes 0 flight arrivals and 0 flight departures.

What is the average number of flights per day across Guinea-Bissau airports in the last month?

On average, Guinea-Bissau airports have managed about 0 flights daily in the past 30 days.

What was the percentage of departures delayed over 15 minutes at Guinea-Bissau airports in the last month?

Over the past month, approximately 0% of departing flights at Guinea-Bissau airports encountered a delay of more than 15 minutes.

What was the average departure delay duration in minutes for flights at Guinea-Bissau airports over the past 30 days?

The average departure delay for flights at Guinea-Bissau airports in the recent 30 days was 0 minutes.

What percentage of flights were cancelled at Guinea-Bissau airports in the last 30 days?

During the last 30 days, around 0.00% of flights were cancelled at Guinea-Bissau airports.

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